neighborhood amenities

Research Neighborhood Amenities Before You Move

Choosing a house with your “must-have” neighborhood amenities takes a lot of research whether you plan to move across town or cross country. Fortunately, many ways exist to pick the right fit for you and your family before you move. From the web to speaking to future neighbors, a little detective work will gather intelligence…

moving items to a storage unit moving scam

Moving Items to a Storage Unit?

Moving items to a storage unit you can trust can get complicated. Master Movers’ 25 years of experience have taught us a thing or two about storage and our highest priority is the safety and security of your valuable, irreplaceable household belongings. Whether you choose us for your short-term or long-term needs, follow our tips…

moving packing tips to keep your items safe

Moving Packing Tips to Keep Your Items Safe

You’ve found the house of your dreams, and it’s time to start boxing up your belongings for the move to your new home. Of course, this includes packing your cherished family heirlooms, old photos and other irreplaceable possessions. These fragile items deserve extra attention to avoid damage — simply being careful with the boxes isn’t enough….

best time to move

When is the Best Time to Move?

Why does it feel like every spring and summer there are a lot more moving trucks on the road than there are throughout the rest of the year? It’s not your imagination. More people choose spring and summer as the best time to move than any other — and for good reason. The Weather Plays…


Moving Checklist: Don’t Forget a Thing!

Moving is one of the most stressful life events we face. Beyond the anxiety of facing all the major changes that come with a move, many people worry about how to complete all the necessary tasks before the big day arrives. Luckily, incorporating a moving checklist can decrease those worries and the stress! If you’re…


Moving With Children

No matter why you are moving, it’s sure to bring out a mix of emotions. On the one hand, you may feel excited for new adventures, happy about your new home or optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead. On the other hand, you may feel apprehensive about changing your routine, or sad at leaving…

moving in the rain

Part II, Moving in the Rain in Portland

When the forecast calls for rain, sleet or snow, Master Movers does what it takes to stay on schedule and keep you home clean and dry while moving in the rain. By using smart techniques and heavy-duty materials to keep the wet outside, we avoid damage to your flooring and get you moved in quickly….

moving in the rain

Moving in the Rain in Portland

It’s moving day in Portland. Chances are it’s raining, about to rain or just recently rained. If you’re new to the city, there are two things you should know. First, our weather is usually wet. Second, rain isn’t any excuse to put off your move! While rain and its colder cousins sleet and snow can…

Should You Hire a Professional to Pack

Should You Hire a Professional to Pack?

Packing for a move requires time and energy, both of which are in short supply when you’re relocating. Underestimating the scope of packing is easy. But, don’t forget that packing is more than just tossing stuff in a box. When you relocate a household, it’s imperative that you organize, take inventory and make accurate labels for each…