right time to move

When is the Right Time to Move?

When it comes to moving, there are all sorts of reasons people do it. That’s especially true right now, as the country’s political, social, and public health climate continues to shift. While there’s no “one-size-fits-all” rule for relocation, there are a few indications that it’s the right time to move for your family. Here’s what…

what order should I pack things

What Order Should I Pack Things in When Moving?

You’ve found the perfect home. Now, it’s time to put everything in boxes and take it there. If you’re moving, you know that getting everything from Point A to Point B is the first hurdle. Fortunately, you can make the process much easier by following these tried-and-true packing  tips: How to Pack Like a Pro:…

coronavirus geographical move

How Will The Coronavirus Impact Where We Live?

The coronavirus pandemic changed many things. In addition to affecting the way we work, shop, and socialize, it impacted the way many of us think about home and the places we live. For people in crowded cities, the after-effects of the coronavirus have even prompted thoughts of moving – once and for all. If you’re…

tips moving to assisted living

Tips for Moving Into an Assisted Living Facility

Moving: it’s not something most of us look forward to. And the burden is especially heavy if you’re moving to a nursing care home or assisted living facility. Luckily, the transition is far from impossible. In this post, we’ll share our top tips and tricks for making your move (planned or unplanned) as straightforward as…

packing liquids scaled

Quick Tips on Packing Liquids

Packing liquids can be one of the most challenging parts of moving. And for a good reason: liquids aren’t exactly easy to handle, and packing them puts you at risk of spills, messes, and more. Luckily, it is possible to pack liquids for local and long-distance moves. You just need to understand how. The Dangers…

declutter and downsize

Best Ways to Downsize & Declutter in 2020

2020: it’s the year to downsize your belongings, finally. Whether you’ve decided to move to a smaller home, or you want to declutter your existing home, getting rid of some unnecessary items is a great way to make your home a more comfortable place. After all, the average American household has approximately a whopping 300,000…

Top Reaons People Move

Top Reasons People Move in the United States

Moving: it’s one of life’s most stressful events, and also one of the most common. Don’t let that fool you, though – no two moves are created equal. Recently, research bodies have begun to evaluate the reasons people move, and the answers are stunning. In areas like the New York City metro zone, which loses…

Help my family move

What’s the Best Way to Help My Family Move?

You’ve found your dream home, and you’re taking the leap. Before you can settle into domestic bliss with the people you love, though, you’ve got to relocate. This is a big process, and it can be fraught with difficulty. When you move your family, you’re dealing with switching schools, uprooting everyone’s lives, making new friends,…