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How to Prepare Your Children for Moving

Moving is demanding and can be stressful, especially on little ones. It’s extremely important to keep your children in mind when it comes to relocating, especially if it will force them to change schools. Whether it’s your second move or your fourth, moving your family to a new home can bring out a lot of emotions. To ease the transition, we’ve listed some tips on how to prepare your children for the move.

Ease the transition as much as possible.

Relocating can have a significant affect on your kids. Many times they will have to leave their friends or school in addition to what they know as their home. So, when you’re preparing for a move, try to communicate with them openly about it. Talk about the move in a positive way and allow each child to express their concerns or fears. Remind them of the good changes to come. Throughout the process, they should be made to feel supported and loved. The more stable you can make the transition feel, the better.

Keep them involved in the process.

As you search for a new home and pack up your belongings, keep your kids aware of what is happening and keep them involved. Let them label the boxes or help you pack, especially when it comes to their room. Have them pack their favorite items in a special box and decorated it. Take pictures of their old room for them to look back on when they are older, too. When you move into your new home, consider letting them pick a paint color for their room and help them decorate.

Help them get involved in the new neighborhood.

Once you get settled into your new home, help your kids make friends and get involved in the new neighborhood. Explore new parks in the area and sign them up for a local sports or programs they’re interested in. Spend time outside taking walks or playing in the front yard so your kids can meet other kids in the neighborhood.

Make the new house and schedule familiar.

Moving away from everything that is familiar is a difficult challenge for children. Integrate things from your old home into the new home so it feels familiar and not so shocking. Keep your routine the same, too, so your child’s schedule and rituals aren’t completely thrown off. If you have a regular Friday pizza night, keep it on the schedule. All of those little things can make a big difference.

Most of all, remember that the energy and attitude that you express about the move will rub off on your kids. It will be easier for your kids to adjust if you are trying to adjust well too.

Contact Master Movers Moving & Storage for help with your residential or commercial move. We’ll take care of everything, so you can focus on your family!  Call 503-762-1288 or email