International move

How to Prepare for an International Move

Coordinating a move can be challenging, but an international move creates an entirely new set of details and problems that you’ll need to manage. Relocating from Portland, Oregon to somewhere across the world can cause anxiety, no matter how well you plan. Ease the transition by keeping the following tips in mind as your prepare for an international move.

Stay Organized and Focus on Communication

Careful organization and clear communication are essential when it comes to moving internationally. Keep all of your necessary documentation together in one central location. Social security cards, birth certificates, passports, medical documentation and wills, are just some of the things you may need to have access to regularly. Be sure that they are in an area where you can easily find them.

Pack and Travel Lightly

Before you start packing, get rid of clutter or other unnecessary items that have collected around your home or garage in the last several months or years. Tackle each room one at a time, and donate or sell items that you don’t want to take with you to the new country. If you have less to take along with you, it will make the relocation process a lot easier. Plus, if your movers have less to pack and ship,  you’ll save on moving fees.

Do Your Research

Before moving internationally, do as much research as you can about the area that to which you’re moving. Research what parts of town are the best, which neighborhoods and schools have good reputations, and what areas you should avoid. Email or call local organizations with questions so that they can provide advice to you about the area. Doing research ahead of time means that you’ll have less stress and anxiety once you arrive at your new home.

Pack Smart

Efficient packing cuts expenses, protects your belongings and makes moving easier. We’ll handle the packing for you. If you want to pack yourself, find sturdy crates and boxes and adequate padding materials. When it comes time to pack your household items, keep your boxes as lightweight as possible. If they’re extremely heavy, they will hard to handle and expensive to ship.

Maintain a Support System.

Moving internationally means you’ll probably have to leave some friends and family behind. If this is the case, focus on nurturing a network of support through regular phone calls, emails, and letters. Even from a distance, you’ll feel loved and cared for with regular communication. Make new friends in your new home by introducing yourself to neighbors, joining clubs or volunteering.

Get Help From the Best Moving Company in Portland, Oregon

Contact the experienced team of moving professionals at Master Movers. We’ll help make your international move as stress-free as possible.