next home move

How Quarantine Has Impacted What People Want in Their Next Home?

After two months of widespread shelter-in-place orders, people are starting to think differently about the concept of “home.” For many of us, being forced to stay indoors has brought to light the shortfalls of our current abodes. And has caused us to consider what we’ll look for in our future homes.

Here’s what you need to know.

The Changing Face of the Modern Home

While the effects of coronavirus are still in the process of shaking out. Housing experts around the world predict that the pandemic will cause some significant shifts in the way we live. Ukrainian architect Sergey Makhno, for example, thinks our homes will change forever as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Here are a few things to look forward to:

More Outdoor Living space

In a recent piece for, Makhno takes aim at the current saturation of apartments throughout the country, and predicts that will change in the coming years:

High-rise buildings were designed to organize as many people as possible in one place. Health and hygiene were not a consideration. In times of pandemic, it is necessary to reduce contact with everything that is used in multi-story buildings. For example elevator buttons, door handles, surfaces, and, above all, neighbors. After forced self-isolation on different floors above the ground, often without a balcony or terrace, we will all desperately want to have a house. It can be small, but with a courtyard and a terrace where you can have coffee in the morning.

While space restrictions may not allow for every man, woman, and child to take up residence in a single-family home, new construction is likely to place a greater emphasis on safe, solitary outdoor areas.

Entryways and Mudrooms

In addition to seeing more outdoor living space, new construction will also feature more distinct boundaries between “outside” and “inside.” According to Melanie Turner, the director of residential design for Pfau Long Architecture,

“The design will dictate how we use this space to deposit our outside lives both psychologically and physically to prevent ‘contamination’ of our inner sanctums.”

This newfound focus will lead to more mudrooms and entryways in homes. Both of which serve to keep outside items separate from our indoor living spaces.

Antimicrobial Surfaces

Coronavirus has thrown the importance of cleanliness into focus. As such, many architects and builders believe the homes of the future will contain surfaces meant to resist illness. Materials like copper and krion are both beautiful and functional – designed to resist microbial buildup and keep moisture out. Incorporating these things into living spaces provides healthier homes that help stop the spread of disease on their own.

Multipurpose Spaces

While open floor plans have been all the rage for a few years now, experts predict those will fall off the radar in the coming years. Instead, homes will trend toward defined spaces designed to facilitate working and schooling from home. These spaces – be they an extra room or just a few additional square feet. Should facilitate a variety of purposes, form taking a Zoom call to attending an online yoga class. As things like the coronavirus change our realities, spaces will need to be more flexible and functional.

The Places We Live Will Change

After coronavirus, our houses will change, but so will their locations. Months of shelter-in-place orders in crowded cities have left many people considering a rural area for their future home. In addition to providing more privacy, moving to a sparsely populated area also provides a level of protection during the next global pandemic or environmental disaster.

After all, being outside the city makes it easier to access natural resources, get outside while maintaining social distancing, and avoid illness.

If You’re Considering Moving, our Team can Help

Families around the country are moving to carve out their ideal lives somewhere new. If you’re one of them, contact our team for assistance. Specializing in local and long-distance moves, as well as packing and unpacking services, we will help you get where you’re going, as quickly and easily as possible. Contact us today to learn more.